Wednesday, April 28, 1920

Cloudy wet cool April day. Arose 7:15 A.M. To college 7:45 to 8:30 A.M. Helped father, studied etc. To college 11-12:30 A.M. Father, Nellie, Ruth, H.H. and I to Albany and Troy with Hudson. Hanford saw Kidder about chauffer's job. Dad bot two cars eggs. 47 1/4. To bed 10:30 P.M.

I thought I'd add the drawing Stanford made for this entry since it was so cute. The stick figure with the oval shape must be his father receiving an egg and the other figure must be a woman who sold the egg and received money in exchange.

I guess Hanford is trying to get a chauffer's job from someone named Kidder. Interesting . . . 

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